My treatment


  • Damaged early attachments can have deep and lasting wounds. Attachment-based therapy provides insights into these early attachments and how to repair these relationships.

  • When a client (especially a child or adolescent) is struggling, the struggle impacts multiple family members. In this treatment method, adults related to the child have a chance to explore their relationships as it pertains to the client's mental health issue. The relationship is strengthened when the caregiver understand how to support the client.

  • I have been trained in CBT to assist in a range of mental health issues such as trauma and anxiety. I apply these techniques in a wide range of ways in therapy and look at it as tools that I can teach clients.

  • I use this treatment method in my practice as a strategy for clients to bring up and discuss some of the on-going issues that they are having with family members.

  • This treatment method focuses on the client's unique qualities, needs, experiences and perspectives.